Benchmarking test
To test whether the benchmarking system, an assessment procedure where management reference points are adapted every five years, helps to reach sustainable stock levels, we conducted model runs incorporating a simulated benchmark assessment.
Do regular benchmark assessments help improve management to sustainability? Is a more precautionary approach more resilient?
Please select the scenarios:
- RCP 8.5, lim. prod., FMSY * 50%
- RCP 8.5, lim. prod., FMSY * 75%
- RCP 8.5, lim. prod., FMSY * 100%
The dynamic reference point for the spawning stock biomass (MSY Btrigger) is shown as a dashed line.
Compared to the previous exercise, where even the lowest fishing pressure failed to reach for longer time periods sustainable stock levels, the benchmarking system results in a higher spawning stock biomass reaching in the beginning of the assessed time period levels above the respective MSY Btrigger (except for the 100 % scenario). A more precautionary approach e.g. the 50 % scenario, does in fact lead to a higher SSB, thus it can be considered as more climate-resilient. But to the end of the century all scenarios show a decreasing trend.
Note that in this model only a limited productivity is incorporated, since sustainable management is relatively easily achieved when assuming full productivity.